Wednesday September 18, 2024 - 7:16:36 pm


1885 Morgan PCGS MS64


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1885 Morgan PCGS MS64

  • Designer: George T. Morgan
  • Edge: Reeded
  • Diameter: 38.10 millimeters
  • Weight: 26.73 grams
  • Mintage: 17,786,837
  • Mint: Philadelphia
  • Metal: 90% Silver, 10% Copper

This is a photo of the exact coin you will receive.

The 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar stands as a gleaming testament to America’s enduring spirit, its journey through the trials of the 19th century, and its unwavering march towards progress and unity.
Minted in 1885, this coin embodies the essence of an America that was both looking back at its recent tumultuous history and forward to a future filled with promise and industrial might.
Obverse: The obverse features a profile of Liberty, designed by George T. Morgan, which breaks from tradition by depicting her not as a classical figure but as an American woman, symbolizing the nation’s youthful vigor and its unique identity. Her cap, adorned with wheat and cotton, reflects America’s agricultural richness, while the phrase “E PLURIBUS UNUM” above her head underscores the unity of the states, a poignant reminder of the nation’s recovery from division.
Reverse: On the reverse, an eagle with wings spread wide clutches an olive branch and arrows, representing America’s readiness for peace but preparedness for defense. Encircled by “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and “ONE DOLLAR,” this imagery speaks to the sovereignty and economic value of the nation.
The Year 1885: This was a time when America was firmly on the path of industrial expansion, with innovations transforming every aspect of life. The wounds of the Civil War were healing, and the nation was becoming an economic powerhouse. The 1885 Morgan Dollar circulated during this era of growth, symbolizing economic stability and the integration of silver from the Western mines into the national economy.
Crafted from 90% silver, this coin not only served as currency but also as a symbol of America’s wealth and potential:
  • A Symbol of Economic Recovery: Post-Civil War America was in a phase of economic revitalization. The Morgan Dollar, with its substantial silver content, was part of the political and economic discourse on bimetallism, reflecting America’s complex relationship with its currency standards.
  • Artistic Representation: Morgan’s design was revolutionary, showcasing Liberty as a symbol of the new world, an America looking forward with confidence and pride in its identity.
  • Historical Significance: The coin’s production was influenced by the Bland-Allison Act, which aimed to bolster the economy through the purchase of silver, showcasing the government’s role in economic policy and the integration of the West’s resources with the East’s financial systems.
To hold an 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar is to grasp a piece of the American narrative:
  • It Represents Unity: After the divisions of the Civil War, this coin stands as a symbol of a reunified America, pushing forward together towards prosperity.
  • A Tribute to Frontier Spirit: It embodies the adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit of the American West, where fortunes were made, and the American Dream was vividly alive.
  • A Beacon of Prosperity: As America was establishing itself on the global stage as an industrial leader, this coin served as a reminder of the country’s wealth, resilience, and the individual’s opportunity for success.
The 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar is not merely a piece of currency; it’s a silver emblem of America’s journey from a nation divided to one of unity and strength, a testament to the enduring values of freedom, opportunity, and the relentless pursuit of progress that defines the American spirit.
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